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Jacob’s Ladder


This is a race against an opponent and a test of your own skill. Each of two competitors tries to climb up the rope ladder. The one who makes it to the top first wins. Of course, if you fall, there is a nice soft inflatable floor to catch you. Great test of balance and coordination for all ages and a lot of fun!

The ladders are made of stretch resistant poly rope, the wooden rungs have a long-wearing finish the wedge-shaped mat is made of an 18 ounce coated fabric, and the frame is heavy steel. The frame is completely portable and requires no staking. Frame sections sleeve together. When dismantled, they easily fit into the back of a pick-up truck with the mat and blower.

Includes: (2) Ladders, Steel work, Hardware

  • Blower sold separately

Dimensions: 17′ x 15′ x 9′  Weight: 725 lbs.

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