Use Custom Inflatables to Complement Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

custom inflatables lion costume
custom inflatables lion costume

Businesses of all kinds market themselves in a number of ways. Companies use TV, radio, and online ads, as well as special events, to draw in customers and create buzz about their products. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are some of the most effective ways to promote engagement and attract and retain customers.

Another way to attract customers is with custom inflatables. i2k creates many types of custom inflatables that are popular for special events. We can create a custom inflatable replica of your company’s product to build brand recognition. We can make an inflatable costume so someone can dress up as your company’s mascot and walk among guests at your event. i2k can also create an inflatable arch to welcome people to the event, a sampling booth or kiosk so people can try your product, a custom game to keep people entertained, or a helium blimp or balloon so you can advertise your event and draw in guests from far away.

How to Use Inflatables and Social Media Together to Promote Your Business

You can get even more bang for your buck if you integrate your social media strategy and your use of inflatables. You can advertise your upcoming event on social media and tell people about the special inflatables you will have there. People will be more likely to come if they know that they can expect to see someone walking around in an inflatable costume or will have the opportunity to play an inflatable game. Advertising on social media and letting people know about your inflatables is an effective way to get the word out about your event.

You can take photos of the inflatables at your event and people having fun interacting with them and post them on social media. People love to see pictures of themselves and their family and friends and to share them on social media. People will like your Facebook page and share it with others if they and their family or friends had fun at your event. This can spread the word about your company and your products and make people look forward to your next event.

Order Custom Inflatables from i2k

i2k can create a custom inflatable product replica, sampling booth, archgamecostume, or balloon that you can use to promote your business and advertise a special event. You can advertise your event in advance on social media and share photos of the fun everyone had afterward to generate interest and engagement. Contact i2k today to learn more about how our custom inflatables can help your business and complement your social media marketing campaign.